Supporting member campaign for Brand New Bundestag
Brand New Bundestag wants to create a German parliament that reflects the diversity of our society and supports politicians who courageously work for a future worth living.
For the campaign to attract sponsoring members, I drew the key visual, prepared social media posts and designed posters, flyers and stickers. A great team of volunteers planned the campaign, wrote texts, sent thank-you packages, coordinated timelines and much more.
The key visual should reflect the movement: multicultural, diverse and inclusive.

On the landing page for the campaign, visitors can find out what Brand New Bundestag stands for and what the sponsoring membership fee is used for.

At the moment, Instagram is the #1 social media platform to reach a wide audience. Posts in which an organization asks for money are actually not that popular. This ones are! They received an above-average number of likes and look really good on the Brand New Bundestag Instagram account.

And Offline
This is the first Brand New Bundestag campaign that also took place offline. Volunteers distributed posters, flyers and stickers in many German cities. The designs for this came from me - they were printed by Die UmweltDruckerei on recycled paper.

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